Okay, I'm going to dare to be the lone voice, the dissenter, the unpopular one. Please think twice before donating money to The American Red Cross, and any of the other corporate "charities", for Haitian relief. I don't usually get political on my blog. This is the place where I come to get away from it all. But I've been compelled to respond to all of the blog hysteria of otherwise intelligent people with good intentions urging their readers to donate to the unethical Red Cross.
NOT as innocent as they appear
Please, please don't be offended if you have been a part of this plea to the corporate charities. I know where your hearts lie. If any of you truly want to help, consider taking the time to read this article: Haiti, "Classquakes," and American Empire. It includes links for charities that are trustworthy. The writer, Paul Street, is highly regarded in humanitarian circles. Thank you for considering an alternative. I believe in you!