I realize that title is an oxymoron, but it's a conflict I've been faced with regularly since opening the shop. I'm finding all of these delectable goodies, but I can't keep them!! And not only that, they're being devoured, in the best sense, before I can photograph them for my Flickr archives.
Exhibit A:
This backwards glance, through the looking glass, of this little maharaji chair is the only evidence I have of it. I recovered it, and the matching settee, in a shimmery orange and magenta dupioni silk. They were painted with a metal design that was then washed over with an orange stain, and had little wooden ornaments dangling from all sides of the frame. Even now, it pains me to describe it. I meant to photograph it last Saturday but got struck with a migraine and was lying helplessly in bed when the set was wisked away by a customer who wanted it for her granddaughter. Don't get me wrong. I like the thought of a little girl enjoying this magical furniture, I just hadn't gotten any closure! I only have this one shot of it by accident while photographing the bed set.
Here's the difference for me...this beauty below has sold...
but I have this lasting image that I can appreciate. My friend Paul, a master of trascendent mid-century furniture, gives me his sage advice, "You can't get attached. You have to be careful not to get emotionally involved with the pieces." HA! Furniture infatuation. Silliness. Don't I have family members that I owe cards and letters to. Shouldn't I have animate, real connections with living, breathing, warm things. Oh! Speaking of warm things...I need to go and put another coat of linseed oil on a teak dresser, and I better make sure my camera has charged batteries....