I was sent an invitation today to join this wonderful site Normal Room. Here is an excerpt from the homepage:
"See how people live around the world! Explore the variety of lifestyles and cultural peculiarities!
Normal Room shows you interior design and home furniture from all around the globe. Search our image database and explore the differences and similarities in architecture and home decoration between people in different countries.
Join our community and upload your own photos for everyone to see!"
Here is the caption for the above photo:
"My kitchen/lounge with spring make-over done with small budget! I am a huge fan of Designers Guild fabrics, and this is the poor woman's version... I made the curtains myself."
It comes from Turku, Finland by way of user Peanutbutter! That's her dog Becky on the lower right of the photo.
Below is an entryway in The Netherlands:
I love the patterns of sunlight on the wall of this living room in Hungary:
And I can't resist posting this photo of lucky dog Rufus, in Belfast:
Here is the link to the Registration Page if you'd like to join. Have fun!